Basketball Rules & Regulations

CCTBL 2023-24 Season Game Rules


League will follow High School Rules with the following exceptions:

Revised October 1, 2023 — to be kept at scores table for all games.

1.      For all divisions: (2) twenty-minute halves with a running clock. Clock will stop the last three minutes of each half.

2.      Rosters will be capped at 15 players – a minimum of 10 players should be on the roster

3.      Teams will get 3 minutes to warm-up.

4.      Half-time of each game is to be 3 minutes

5.      Teams will get 4 timeouts per game.  (2) full timeouts and (2) 30-second timeout

6.      Overtime will begin with a jump ball and will be for 2 minutes.  Clock will only stop the last minute of overtime.  You will get 1 extra time-out in overtime.  Any unused time-outs from game will be forfeited.

7.      Double overtime will begin with a jump ball and will be sudden death.  The first team to score wins.  This includes a free throw.  There are NO timeouts in double overtime.

8.      Press Rule:

·         5th, 6th, 7th, 8th – Teams cannot press after achieving a 20-point lead

·         4th – Teams cannot press after achieving a 15-point lead

·         4th – Pressing is only allowed in the final 2 minutes of play in each half

·         4th-5th – Pressing will only be allowed the last 4 minutes of each hafl. If a team is up by 15 ponts or more thre will be no pressing.  

9.      Free Throws — players can move on the release of the shot

·         4th Grade Boys and Girls can jump over FT line after releasing the ball

·         All other grade levels must stay behind FT line after releasing the ball

10.  1 on 1 at 7 fouls per half and (2) free throws will be awarded after the opposing team has committed 10 fouls (per half)

11.  Players will be disqualified from the game after their 5th personal foul

12.  Only the head coach is allowed to roam the sideline. If the head coach is issued a technical foul during the game, they will be required to sit on the bench for the remainder of the game.

13.  Any coach issued 2 technical fouls, will be asked to leave the gym and may not coach the rest of the day

14.  A parent that shows unsportsmanlike behavior, walks on the court or approaches an official will be asked to leave and cause their team to forfeit.  – PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR PARENTS

15.  Parents can and will be suspended for the season depending the degree of the unsportsmanlike conduct. – PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR PARENTS   

16.  Home teams are to wear light colored uniforms; away teams are to wear dark colors

·         T-shirts under uniforms are to match the uniform being worn

·         All players are required to have a number on their uniform

17.  Playoffs

·       Top 3 or 4 teams in each division will make the play-offs, pending total number of teams in each division.

18.  Standings will be determined by winning percentage.

19.  If there are ties, we will use head-to-head play if there is still a tie, it will be a coin toss.

20.  Home Team is to provide a game ball approved by the officials

21.  Basketball Size:

·   Girls’ divisions will use the 28.5” sized basketball

·   Boys’ divisions

·         4th-6th divisions will use the 28.5” sized basketball

·        7th-8th divisions will use the 29.5” sized basketball

Both teams must have a parent volunteer for scorebook or the score clock